Run Away not Walk this Way
Conductor Keith Lockheart, leading the Pops, and rocking out (kind of), with Tyler and Perry out in front was enough to scare the most stable person out of his seat.
The interactions between Lockheart and Tyler were scary as well. Picture this: Lockheart, arm around Tyler, face to face, with Tyler singing, "Just give me a Kiss". For a moment, I thought Lockheart was going to give Tyler a kiss!
I liked the music portion of the pairing, and thought the Pops sounded good. I just wasn't thrilled with the Aerosmith portion. I thought Tyler sounded tired and flat, and a bit used, if thats the correct word. It may be time for Tyler to take a step back, and hang up his bandana.
More importantly, I just couldn't get over the amount of work Tyler has had done on his face. Looked to me like he had a face lift, eye job and nose job. AND HE'S STILL SCARY LOOKING!!!!
So, as of now, I officially changed the words from Walk This Way to Run Away, cause that's what I'll do if I ever cross paths with Tyler.....
yeah, he used to be scary hot, and now he's just scary scary.
he should have left his face alone like keith richards
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