I realized on Tuesday, as I pulled into the parking lot at work, and saw the hunter green mustang with the tan convertable top, that I LOATHE, and I mean LOATHE, the person I report to.
He drives that stupid mustang, probably to make himself feel more manly, since he's such a pussy. He feels the need to make others feel like shit, again, probably to make himself feel better.
It sucks having to report to him.
He makes snide comments about me in meetings, hoardes basic work that should be delegated to me, watches the clock, walks by my cube for whatever reason (but we all know its to check up on me)....basically he's a douche.
Today when I pulled into the parking lot at work and did not see that hunter green mustang with the tan convertable top, I knew it was going to be a great day.
Happy new year!