That guy's nuts.....grab 'em....
sad news story, and very scary. I am so glad that I do not have a peanut allergy, and neither does my son, Max. My daughter, Louise, has not tried nuts yet, as she is just 12 months, so I'm not sure about her.....
For the most part, I am convinced that the people I see shopping at Costco should not procreate. Yeah, yeah, I know, that's harsh. But it's true. I hate going there and getting caught in the traffic of people, darting their carts back and forth to the different free sample stands. Its like they have radar in their cart or something. They could be walking along, going to get their 10 lb box of Spam, when you see the head jerk up, and the cart turn, getting pushed, full speed, until it reaches the free food stand. No worries about the 10 other people with carts in their way...nope, they're going to get the free food, and they are going to get it NOW. Inevitably, they are heavy in weight, and have a heavy kid in the cart, who doesn't stand a chance in the weight department because all he/she is eating is processed food from a can or a box that the parents bought at Costco....I have made a pact with myself to treat myself and my family to healthy eating. I try to do most of my food shopping at Harvest Coop Market in Jamaica Plain. I am a member (20$ per year) and so I get like 2% off when I shop there. From their site: "Harvest supports sustainable agriculture, certified organic, fair trade, and local and small family farms in our buying practices."
It has become quite important to me and I'm making every best effort to do the right thing for my kids. Take a look at this study on pesticide levels in children. Might change your mind too....